musically - I liked the intro but what happens after is mostly random mess, sorry... it really lacks some catchy moment during which you would just nod your head to the rhythm or something - that's crucial for this type of music imo.. it just keeps going and going, new sounds and stuff, but nothing catched my attention much
probably everybody would expect a drop at 0:40 but it just another buildup.. I would either delete this part completely or only use a riser before the main drop
1:20 synth sound somewhat disharmonic with that arp behind
drums should hit harder since this is dub/drumstep.. so use harder samples/sidechain or both or just mix them better
overall it's not mixed super well, at parts like 2:48 it's really hard to focus on anything since everything has kinda same loudness.. you can almost feel that the mix "can't breathe.. I'd say there's too much stuff going on at the same time - less sometimes mean more.. e.g. that arp is on almost whole song, you could leave it at some parts to help the mix
just my opinion really, hope this helps a bit :)